Haglund, E., Sulkowska, J.I., Noel, J.K., Lammert, H., Onuchic, J.N., Jennings, P.A. Pierced Lasso Bundles are a new class of knot-like motifs. PLoS Computational Biology 2014, 10 (6), e1003613;
Tamir, S., Rotem-Bamberger, S., Katz, C., Morcos, F., Hailey, K.L., Zuris, J.A., Wang, C., Conlan, A.R., Lipper, C.H., Paddock, M.L., Mittler, R., Onuchic, J.N., Jennings, P.A., Friedler, A., Nechushtai, R., Integrated strategy reveals the protein interface between cancer targets Bcl-2 and NAF-1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2014, 111 (14), 5177-82;
Tamir, S., Eisenberg-Domovich, Y., Conlan, A.R., Stofleth, J.T., Lipper, C.H., Paddock, M.L., Mittler, R., Jennings, P.A., Livnah, O., Nechushtai, R., A point mutation in the [2Fe-2S] cluster binding region of the NAF-1 protein (H114C) dramatically hinders the cluster donor properties. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 2014, 70 (Pt 6), 1572-78;
Tamir, S., Paddock, M.L., Darash-Yahana-Barama, M., Holt, S.H., Sohn, Y.S., Agranat, L., Michaeli, D., Stofleth, J.T., Lipper, C.H., Morcos, F., Cabantchika, I.Z., Onuchic, J., Jennings, P.A., Mittler, R., Nechushtai, R., Structure–function analysis of NEET proteins uncovers their role as key regulators of iron and ROS homeostasis in health and disease BBA Molecular Cell Research 2014,
Andrews, B.T., Capraro, D.T., Sulkowska, J.I., Onuchic, J.N., Jennings, P.A. Hysteresis as a Marker for Complex, Overlapping Landscapes in Proteins. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2013, 4 (1), 180-188;
Baxter, E.L., Zuris, J.A., Wang, C., Vo, P.L., Axelrod, H.L., Cohen, A.E., Paddock, M.L., Nechushtai, R., Onuchic, J.N., Jennings, P.A. Allosteric control in a metalloprotein dramatically alters function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2013, 110 (3), 948-53;
Barkho S., Pierce L.C., McGlone, M.L., Li, S., Woods, V.L. Jr., Walker, R.C., Adams, J.A., Jennings, P.A., Distal loop flexibility of a regulatory domain modulates dynamics and activity of C-terminal SRC kinase (csk) PLoS Computational Biology 2013, 9 (9), e1003188;
Capraro, D.T., Lammert, H., Heidary, D.K., Roy, M., Gross, L.A., Onuchic, J.N., Jennings, P.A., Altered backbone and side-chain interactions result in route heterogeneity during the folding of interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Biophyscial Journal2013, 104 (4), 975-83;
Hailey, K.L., Capraro, D.T., Barkho, S., Jennings, P.A., Allosteric switching of agonist/antagonist activity by a single point mutation in the interluekin-1 receptor antagonist, IL-1Ra. Journal of Molecular Biology 2013, 425 (13), 2382-92;
Sohn, Y.S., Tamir, S., Song, L., Michaeli, D., Matouk, I., Conlan, A.R., Harir, Y., Holt, S.H., Shulaev, V., Paddock, M.L., Hochberg, A., Cabanchick, I.Z., Onuchic, J.N., Jennings, P.A., Nechushtai, R., Mittler, R. NAF-1 and mitoNEET are central to human breast cancer proliferation by maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis and promoting tumor growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2013, 110 (36), 14676-81;
Tamir, S., Zuris, J,A,, Agranat, L., Lipper, C.H., Conlan, A.R., Michaeli, D., Harir, Y., Paddock, M.L., Mittler, R., Cabantchik, Z.I., Jennings, P.A., Nechushtai, R. Nutrient-deprivation autophagy factor-1 (NAF-1): biochemical properties of a novel cellular target for anti-diabetic drugs. PLoS Biology 2013, 8 (5), e61202;
Baxter, E. L.; Jennings, P. A.; Onuchic, J. N., Strand swapping regulates the iron-sulfur cluster in the diabetes drug target mitoNEET. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012, 109 (6), 1955-1960;
Capraro, D. T.; Gosavi, S.; Roy, M.; Onuchic, J. N.; Jennings, P. A., Folding Circular Permutants of IL-1 beta: Route Selection Driven by Functional Frustration. Plos One 2012, 7 (6);
Capraro, D. T.; Roy, M.; Onuchic, J. N.; Gosavi, S.; Jennings, P. A., beta-Bulge triggers route-switching on the functional landscape of interleukin-1 beta. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012, 109 (5), 1490-1493;
Jamros, M.A., Oliveira, L.C., Whitford, P.C., Onuchic, J.N., Adams, J.A., Jennings, P.A. Substrate-specific reorganization of the conformational ensemble of CSK implicates novel modes of kinase function. PLoS Computational Biology 2012, 8 (9), e1002695;
Haglund, E., Sułkowska, J.I., He, Z., Feng, G.S., Jennings, P.A., Onuchic, J.Nxs. The unique cysteine knot regulates the pleotropic hormone leptin. PLoS One 2012, 7 (9), e45654;
Zuris, J. A.; Ali, S. S.; Yeh, H.; Nguyen, T. A.; Nechushtai, R.; Paddock, M. L.; Jennings, P. A., NADPH Inhibits 2Fe-2S Cluster Protein Transfer from Diabetes Drug Target MitoNEET to an Apo-acceptor Protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012, 287 (15), 11649-11655;
Baxter, E. L.; Jennings, P. A.; Onuchic, J. N., Interdomain communication revealed in the diabetes drug target mitoNEET. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2011, 108 (13), 5266-5271;
Conlan, A. R.; Paddock, M. L.; Homer, C.; Axelrod, H. L.; Cohen, A. E.; Abresch, E. C.; Zuris, J. A.; Nechushtai, R.; Jennings, P. A., Mutation of the His ligand in mitoNEET stabilizes the 2Fe-2S cluster despite conformational heterogeneity in the ligand environment. Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography 2011, 67, 516-523;
Nechushtai, R.; Lammert, H.; Michaeli, D.; Eisenberg-Domovich, Y.; Zuris, J. A.; Luca, M. A.; Capraro, D. T.; Fish, A.; Shimshon, O.; Roy, M.; Schug, A.; Whitford, P. C.; Livnah, O.; Onuchic, J. N.; Jennings, P. A., Allostery in the ferredoxin protein motif does not involve a conformational switch. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2011, 108 (6), 2240-2245;
Plocinik, R. M.; Li, S.; Liu, T.; Hailey, K. L.; Whitehouse, J.; Ma, C.-T.; Fu, X.-D.; Gosh, G.; Woods Jr, V. L.; Jennings, P. A.; Adams, J. A., Regulating SR Protein Phosphorylation through Regions Outside the Kinase Domain of SRPK1. Journal of Molecular Biology 2011, 410 (1), 131-145.
Zuris, J. A.; Harir, Y.; Conlan, A. R.; Shvartsman, M.; Michaeli, D.; Tamir, S.; Paddock, M. L.; Onuchic, J. N.; Mittler, R.; Cabantchik, Z. I.; Jennings, P. A.; Nechushtai, R., Facile transfer of 2Fe-2S clusters from the diabetes drug target mitoNEET to an apo-acceptor protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2011, 108 (32), 13047-13052;
Dicus, M. M.; Conlan, A.; Nechushtai, R.; Jennings, P. A.; Paddock, M. L.; Britt, R. D.; Stoll, S., Binding of Histidine in the (Cys)(3)(His)(1)-Coordinated 2Fe-2S Cluster of Human mitoNEET. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132 (6), 2037-2049;
Jamros, M. A.; Oliveira, L. C.; Whitford, P. C.; Onuchic, J. N.; Adams, J. A.; Blumenthal, D. K.; Jennings, P. A., Proteins at Work A COMBINED SMALL ANGLE X-RAY SCATTERING AND THEORETICAL DETERMINATION OF THE MULTIPLE STRUCTURES INVOLVED ON THE PROTEIN KINASE FUNCTIONAL LANDSCAPE. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2010, 285 (46), 36121-36128;
Zuris, J. A.; Halim, D. A.; Conlan, A. R.; Abresch, E. C.; Nechushtai, R.; Paddock, M. L.; Jennings, P. A., Engineering the Redox Potential over a Wide Range within a New Class of FeS Proteins. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132 (38), 13120-13122;
Andrews, B. T.; Roy, M.; Jennings, P. A., Chromophore Packing Leads to Hysteresis in GFP. Journal of Molecular Biology 2009, 392 (1), 218-227;
Bak, D. W.; Zuris, J. A.; Paddock, M. L.; Jennings, P. A.; Elliott, S. J., Redox Characterization of the FeS Protein MitoNEET and Impact of Thiazolidinedione Drug Binding. Biochemistry 2009, 48 (43), 10193-10195;
Conlan, A. R.; Axelrod, H. L.; Cohen, A. E.; Abresch, E. C.; Zuris, J.; Yee, D.; Nechushtai, R.; Jennings, P. A.; Paddock, M. L., Crystal Structure of Miner1: The Redox-active 2Fe-2S Protein Causative in Wolfram Syndrome 2. Journal of Molecular Biology 2009, 392 (1), 143-153;
Conlan, A. R.; Paddock, M. L.; Axelrod, H. L.; Cohen, A. E.; Abresch, E. C.; Wiley, S.; Roy, M.; Nechushtai, R.; Jennings, P. A., The novel 2Fe-2S outer mitochondrial protein mitoNEET displays conformational flexibility in its N-terminal cytoplasmic tethering domain. Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications 2009, 65, 654-659;
Hailey, K. L.; Li, S.; Andersen, M. D.; Roy, M.; Woods, V. L.; Jennings, P. A., Pro-interleukin (IL)-1 beta Shares a Core Region of Stability as Compared with Mature IL-1 beta While Maintaining a Distinctly Different Configurational Landscape A COMPARATIVE HYDROGEN/DEUTERIUM EXCHANGE MASS SPECTROMETRY STUDY. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2009, 284 (38), 26137-26148;
Hyeon, C.; Jennings, P. A.; Adams, J. A.; Onuchic, J. N., Ligand-induced global transitions in the catalytic domain of protein kinase A. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2009, 106 (9), 3023-3028;
Andrews, B. T.; Gosavi, S.; Finke, J. M.; Onuchic, J. N.; Jennings, P. A., The dual-basin landscape in GFP folding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2008, 105 (34), 12283-12288;
Capraro, D. T.; Roy, M.; Onuchic, J. N.; Jennings, P. A., Backtracking on the folding landscape of the beta-trefoil protein interleukin-1 beta? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2008, 105 (39), 14844-14848;
Gosavi, S.; Whitford, P. C.; Jennings, P. A.; Onuchic, J. N., Extracting function from a beta-trefoil folding motif. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2008, 105 (30), 10384-10389;
Andrews, B. T.; Schoenfish, A. R.; Roy, M.; Waldo, G.; Jennings, P. A., The rough energy landscape of superfolder GFP is linked to the chromophore. Journal of Molecular Biology 2007, 373 (2), 476-490;
Paddock, M. L.; Wiley, S. E.; Axelrod, H. L.; Cohen, A. E.; Roy, M.; Abresch, E. C.; Capraro, D.; Murphy, A. N.; Nechushtai, R.; Dixon, J. E.; Jennings, P. A., MitoNEET is a uniquely folded 2Fe-2S outer mitochondrial membrane protein stabilized by pioglitazone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2007, 104 (36), 14342-14347;
Wiley, S. E.; Paddock, M. L.; Abresch, E. C.; Gross, L.; van der Geer, P.; Nechushtai, R.; Murphy, A. N.; Jennings, P. A.; Dixon, J. E., The outer mitochondrial membrane protein mitoNEET contains a novel redox-active 2Fe-2S cluster. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2007, 282 (33), 23745-23749;
Chavez, L. L.; Gosavi, S.; Jennings, P. A.; Onuchic, J. N., Multiple routes lead to the native state in the energy landscape of the beta-trefoil family. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2006, 103 (27), 10254-10258;
Gosavi, S.; Chavez, L. L.; Jennings, P. A.; Onuchic, J. N., Topological frustration and the folding of interleukin-1 beta. Journal of Molecular Biology 2006, 357 (3), 986-996;
Onuchic, J. N.; Kobayashi, C.; Miyashita, O.; Jennings, P.; Baldridge, K. K., Exploring biomolecular machines: energy landscape control of biological reactions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2006, 361 (1472), 1439-1443;
Roy, M.; Chavez, L. L.; Finke, J. M.; Heidary, D. K.; Onuchic, J. N.; Jennings, P. A., The native energy landscape for interleukin-1 beta. Modulation of the population ensemble through native-state topology. Journal of Molecular Biology 2005, 348 (2), 335-347;
Wong, L.; Lieser, S. A.; Miyashita, O.; Miller, M.; Tasken, K.; Onuchic, J. N.; Adams, J. A.; Woods, V. L.; Jennings, P. A., Coupled motions in the SH2 and kinase domains of Csk control Src phosphorylation. Journal of Molecular Biology 2005, 351 (1), 131-143;
Wong, L.; Lieser, S.; Chie-Leon, B.; Miyashita, O.; Aubol, B.; Shaffer, J.; Onuchic, J. N.; Jennings, P. A.; Woods, V. L.; Adams, J. A., Dynamic coupling between the SH2 domain and active site of the COOH terminal Src kinase, Csk. Journal of Molecular Biology 2004, 341 (1), 93-106;
Roy, M.; Jennings, P. A., Real-time NMR kinetic studies provide global and residue-specific information on the non-cooperative unfolding of the beta-trefoil protein, interleukin-1 beta. Journal of Molecular Biology 2003, 328 (3), 693-703;
Andersen, M. D.; Shaffer, J.; Jennings, P. A.; Adams, J. A., Structural characterization of protein kinase A as a function of nucleotide binding - Hydrogen-deuterium exchange studies using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry detection. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2001, 276 (17), 14204-14211;
Clementi, C.; Jennings, P. A.; Onuchic, J. N., Prediction of folding mechanism for circular-permuted proteins. Journal of Molecular Biology 2001, 311 (4), 879-890;
Covalt, J. C.; Roy, M.; Jennings, P. A., Core and surface mutations affect folding kinetics, stability and cooperativity in IL-1 beta: Does alteration in buried water play a role? Journal of Molecular Biology 2001, 307 (2), 657-669;
Clementi, C.; Jennings, P. A.; Onuchic, J. N., How native-state topology affects the folding of dihydrofolate reductase and interleukin-1 beta. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2000, 97 (11), 5871-5876;
Finke, J. M.; Roy, M.; Zimm, B. H.; Jennings, P. A., Aggregation events occur prior to stable intermediate formation during refolding of interleukin 1 beta. Biochemistry 2000, 39 (3), 575-583;